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20 Reasons to Stick with Your Fitness Commitment in ‘20


We just started the new year – so it’s far too early to even think about giving up on healthy habits you promised you’d start. Whether you made a resolution to get fit or just renewed your commitment to exercise and eat right, we’re here to keep you going throughout the year with these 20 reasons to stick with it in ’20.

1. You can look and feel good for your sweetheart or yourself on Valentine’s Day next month.

2. You want to be part of the one-third of people over 50 who exercise regularly.

3. You want to live longer and have more freedom to do what you want to do.

4. About 70 percent of the disposable income in the US is in your generation’s hands, and you darn well intend to spend your share.

5. If you’re retired or working less, you have the flexibility to work out when, how and where you want – and that’s a luxury you earned and should use.

6. You still want to be the fun grandparent.

7. You need to stay strong to help care for your own parents.

8. Remember, exercise is the miracle drug. It’s good for your bones, muscles, balance, heart, breathing, mental health and sleep.

9. It’s fun – even when you don’t feel like it.

10. You said you would – and you know why.

11. You’re not going to quit something important just because you’re having a tough day.

12. Springtime is coming and you’ll want to garden, golf, or play tennis.

13. Summer is coming and you have travel plans. In the US alone, people over 50 spend $160 billion a year on travel. You need strength, balance and stamina to go everywhere and do all that’s on your list.

14. Your pals want you to join them in a new exercise class or small group training.

15. Accountability: People will be expecting you to keep it up – friends and family, and the new buddies you’ve made while working out.

16. Your doctor can’t stop smiling at you.

17. When the holidays roll around, you will have earned that extra dressing and the slice of pumpkin pie.

18. You want to avoid being overweight, falling, getting diabetes, and letting high blood pressure go unchecked.

19. To set a positive example.

20. Exercise makes you feel good. Every time.

Over the year, be sure to stay up to date on activities here and throughout the community so you can make plans and set different goals. Maybe you’ll run a charity 5K or longer race and need time to get ready for it. Or you want to build up your stamina for a dancing event or summertime hike. Or maybe you’d like to slim down for a wedding or other big family gathering.

Whatever your motivation, we’re here to help you reach your goals – and have a good, safe, healthy time while you’re doing it.

Let us know what motivates you. And don’t be shy to say when you need a little extra encouragement some days.

Your 2020 vision? You got this.

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