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  • Writer's pictureCRAIG BRYAN

Soft Tissue Manipulation Part 2 of 3 What We Need To Do

Me: Okay what are some of the main things people aren’t doing to take care of their body?

Chip: Number one, they don’t drink enough water. Number two, we don't get enough fruits and vegetables and we’re not getting a good core nutrient base of minerals and vitamins. I'm not a big believer that you get your nutrients from the food. I think you need to supplement. Most people don’t get that by buying low-grade supplements. Which means they grab whatever is cheaper off the shelf it has nothing to do with whether they bought it at Walmart or Costco not only do they have some good ingredients so I’m not going to knock all of them. But a lot of supplements are low quality and your body can’t assimilate them. So, you need to be careful in purchasing just anything, better to buy from the reputable company. (You can do some research on about supplements) But nutrition and water are the two main things that we neglect. We have the most sources of these than anywhere else in the world, and we are terrible at it. We also have a terrible range of motion, flexibility, and movement.

Me: As we get older what is the worst thing we don’t do in terms of movement?

Chip: Lack of movement. I've always preached motion is life. If you stop moving, you don’t have much of a life.

Me: I had an orthopedic surgeon tell me motion is lotion. If you’re not moving you’re rusting. This can be seen in older people who have canes, walkers, and electric scooters.

Chip: I mean it’s different if you got hit by a bus and broke every bone in your body, but even during the recovery from that you have to move.

Me: Let’s move on to supplements and supplementation because our absorption ability isn’t what it once was. We have bad gut flora and nutrient imbalances. Do you find that there are supplements people should be taking but don’t?

Chip: We are huge proponents in our office of probiotics and fish oils. These are things that we should be taking along with a multivitamin-mineral.

Me: What about mineral deficiency? Do you tend to see this?

Chip: Anecdotally, yes, without doing a lot of blood work and or mineral work of the bone tissue, odds are yes because it's not in the soil. We can go to the federal government agricultural data used for news as an example. Spinach once had 200 mg of iron in 1955 and now it only has 2mg per serving.

Me: Which begs the question “How much would you have to eat? A bucket?”

Chip: Who’s going to eat a bucket? Your colon would not like that. Some people may need a bucket. I think you see more G.I. dysfunctions. People don't eat fermented foods in this country. We just don’t.

Me: Like Sauerkraut and Kimchi.

Chip: Pickles have probiotics and are fermented. These products are essential. We are very poor at getting them. What your mother ate in the 50s and 60s was much better food. Plus, it also didn’t travel on average thousands of miles, so that apple that was picked closer to consumption.

Me: Like California and other countries.

Chip: Yes, México, Guatemala, and Honduras. So, when stuff travels, it's not fully nutrient rich when it gets here because it was picked early. Bananas are a good example. The level of potassium in a banana that you get right out of Fiji or Hawaii right off the tree is totally different than what you buy in Kroger.

Me: Look what we tend to do to ourselves.

Chip: The stress level that we have in this country! It eats your B vitamins like it’s going out of style. That’s why you have more people with cortisol issues. There is the B vitamin methylation process to pull those cortisol numbers down. That’s why you have more people with anxiety and depression. Your and my food pyramid is complete upside down and backward, and that stimulates a lot of that. American Heart Association tell us that we need more carbs.

Me: You have people eating everything out of a box or processed. Quick and easy. We have created more heart disease and diabetes from eating this way.

Chip: Then you become more nutritionally deficient, which is what we find all the time.

Me: Lack of protein is a problem as we get older. People eat a lot of carbs but not enough protein.

Chip: The problem with protein is as we get older it’s harder to digest. Only by adding the needed enzymes do we completely digest proteins. Nutrient utilization goes up when we take enzymes. Plus having healthy gut Flora helps. You have heard of the Logan Inst. – they are big pushers of enzymes. They have changed disease patterns in the elderly. Those guys do seminars that are all about enzymes. They will say you’re flat out deficient in this, and this is why you get sick, and they're probably not far off.

Me: We tend to abuse our bodies a lot in one way or another.

Chip: Here's the deal. This a lot of patients I see. They sit five days a week, then go out Saturday and do some weekend warrior activity, and their body is not prepared physically, chemically or emotionally for that activity. So, guess what? I get to see them on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday to try to rebuild them to do the same process over again the next weekend. If you’re not moving through the week and you try to go to do heavy movement on the weekend, you’re going to be in trouble. That's what we see. That's the number one reason we have a load of patients.

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