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  • Writer's pictureCRAIG BRYAN

Spring into Fitness Starting Now

It might not seem possible right now, but springtime is just around the corner. And whether you’ve been staying active all winter (and pandemic) or not, it’s not too soon to start thinking about amping up your exercise routine and paying more attention to your diet.

This crazy winter will end soon – we promise. So will Covid-19 restrictions on our daily lives – right?

So, rather than get caught unprepared, let’s consider a few tips to spring forward (like daylight saving time) for a blooming season of healthy living.

1. Lift weights. If you’re not already practicing resistance training of some kind, you should be all year round. Strength training is good for your bones, your balance, and preventing age-related loss of muscle, which leads to all sorts of problems. For generations, we were taught that getting frail and creaky was inevitable. Not true!

2. Hit the trails. Depending on how the weather where you live, you might be feeling cooped up indoors. So be sure to enjoy your town’s walkability features on trails or parks by walking, jogging, or biking.

3. Stay fresh. Farmers markets should be popping up soon. They’re a great way to eat fresh and eat local, and to be sure you’re getting all the necessary nutrients along the way.

4. Are you ready for gardening? If you love working in the yard, then you need to be strong and have the endurance and flexibility to do it. You don’t want to bounce up off the couch after six months and just start. See us first; we’ll help get you ready.

5. Keep your regular appointments. Have you checked in with your doctor lately for Rx refills – and a discussion about seasonal allergies that might be coming back? Or stress related to Covid-19 and weather? Or a few pounds you might’ve gained? Resist the urge to shrug off the dentist, the eye doctor, and others who help keep you moving.

6. Spring cleaning. How many of us have overflowing junk drawers and frightening hall closets at this point? Start the season right by scrubbing the decks and getting your household organized – at least for the next few months.

7. Set a date. Schedule a date this spring to run a 5K, host a socially distanced picnic with friends you haven’t seen lately, or drive to a scenic spot for a hike. Before long, we’ll be able to sub those events with a trip to the beach or, at least, a day by the pool. This will be good practice!

Look, we know it’s hard to eat right and exercise sometimes in normal circumstances, let alone during times like these.

But that’s no excuse. In fact, it might be even more powerful motivation.

As Bette Midler sings, “Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snows… Lies a seed that with the sun’s love, in the spring becomes the rose.”

We’re here for you. Let’s talk.

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